Yesterday I performed a virus scan on my computer. Anyone who has ever done one before knows they can take a bit of time. I had other things around the house to do, so I left the computer on the table to complete the scanning. When I returned I noticed things looked different. A step stool??? hmmmmm, the table isn't that tall, so who would need a stool? Oh, and whats that...there is an empty package of fruit snacks right next to the computer. So I ask around....who needed a stool to reach the computer. Who was hungry while they were "computing".... It remains a huge mystery until I question my 3 year old daughter. I asked if she was playing with the computer. She responds with a heavy sigh (as if I am an idiot) and says, "yes, I had to use the computer." ...guess she had to check her email, pay bills, or update her Facebook status???? Mystery solved :)
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